We treat each project with the wholeness it deserves and in our commitment to excellence we strive to rely on quality,
authenticity, and creativity without taking ourselves too seriously.

Meet Sarah Gomez Orueta, the founder of Ceres.

Throughout her professional endeavours, Sarah has gained a diverse experience within the event industry by organising private and corporate events as well as creating cultural calendars, reflecting a diverse range of intentions, visions, and budgets.

She has a pragmatic approach, striving to convey subtle elegance and a strong personality with a natural joie de vivre. She draws her inspiration from architecture, design and gastronomy which challenge her creativity and drive her. 

When one of her good friends asked her to organise her wedding day, she said yes, not realising this was the beginning of Ceres. 

Designing events is an art of forging connections.
It transcends individuality, creating something greater than the sum of its parts whilst being the pinnacle of personal expression in order to craft an unforgettable experience.

Each event is distinctively grand even in its most minimalistic approach. 

Ceres, name

Goddess of grain, presiding over bountiful harvests. Also known as the Greek goddess Demeter,
described in the Homeric hymn to Demeter as “that awesome goddess, with her beautiful hair”.

The Roman celebration of Cerelia was dedicated to the grain goddess and lasted almost 7 weeks: gifts and delicacies, specifically nuts, conveying fecundity and fruitfulness of love, were abundantly shared.